Access to birth control under attack in Congress

In the face of immense public pressure from anti-woman extremists like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, President Obama listened to women's rights advocates and made an historic advancement for women's health with new regulations that require insurance coverage for birth control with no co-pays for women. However, the radical anti-contraception advocates are now turning to Congress in an attempt to restrict women's access to this vitally important health care. Tell your representatives in Congress: Don't vote for any bill that includes an anti-birth control amendment or provision.

Tell the board of Susan G. Komen: Don't throw Planned Parenthood under the bus!

Please support this urgent new action from our friends at CREDO. Susan G. Komen, the nation's largest charity to fight breast cancer, yesterday bowed to right-wing pressure, and abruptly cancelled funding for Planned Parenthood's breast cancer screening program. This program serves millions of women, providing free or low-cost breast cancer screenings. Komen does a lot of great things, but what it did yesterday was just plain awful and cowardly. Write Komen's board today, and tell them to do the right thing, and restore funding for Planned Parenthood. Don't be silent on this one. The right-wing has declared war on Planned Parenthood, and unless we fight back, they are going to win. names "Share, Retweet, Repeat" named # 1 "hot new release" in web marketing category

Share, Retweet, Repeat: Get Your Message Read and Spread, the new book by Left Action founder John Hlinko, was named by as the # 1 "hot new release" for the web marketing category. The book, which draws heavily upon examples from Left Action itself, offers a guide for social and business entrepreneurs who want to use viral marketing to rapidly build buzz and support for a cause, candidate, or other effort. "To say I'm blown away by this would be an understatement," said Hlinko. "The fact that a book promoted by grassroots marketing could reach # 1 is amazing, and I'm incredibly thankful to all the Left Activists who supported this effort, bought the book, and spread the word to others." For more on the book, see

BREAKING: Republican Trolls STILL Can't Spell!

This just in -- Republican trolls have been showing up at the Left Action Facebook page, making hilariously feeble attempts to "debate" us. With grammar, spelling, and logic almost at the 3-year-old level, they've come up with some real classics: Calling us "loosers" Misspelling "socialist" at least three different ways USING ALL CAPS FOR ENTIRE POSTS. BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS IF YOU YELL, IT MAKES YOUR ARGUMENT STRONGER. Hats off to you, Republican trolls, for proving once again that your once proud party has devolved into a cult of stupidity!

Left Action Update: Church REVERSES Ban on Interracial Marriages

Update: Good news, the church has reversed the ban: Pastor Stacy Stepp told CNN affiliate WLEX on Sunday that the church voted unanimously to "accept all people regardless of race, creed, or color and to accept everyone into the fellowship of Christ." "I tried everything in my power to try to resolve the matter before it got to where it did," Stepp told WLEX. (source: CNN) Kudos to Pastor Stepp (and to clarify, Pastor step is the new pastor, and NOT the old one who initially pushed this ban) (see original action here)

Left Action Upgrading Servers

Folks, we've had some massive traffic as of late, so we're doing a big upgrade on our servers. Please bear with us over the next day as we transition files, tweak code, and do all the other things necessary for this process. The front end of the site (i.e., what you see) will remain the same, but the more powerful server should speed up the site and increase stability & performance during peak times.

Thank Michele Bachmann for Calling for an Increase in Taxes for the Wealthy!

Hooray! Michele Bachmann has come out strongly in favor of increasing taxes on the wealthy! Use the form to the right to sign on to our massive "thank you card" to her! Wondering what provoked it? A change of heart? A return of sanity? Nah, just plain ignorance. Click here to learn more.

Michele Bachmann: Even Crazier than you thought!

Read this, and click "like" if you find Michele Bachmann even more appalling than before. Bachmann claimed last night that the HPV vaccine, a vaccine that helps prevent cervical cancer, actually causes "mental retardation" in young girls. It really is hard to know where to start on this one. Wrong, asinine, offensive, tinfoil hat territory... it's a full monty of Bachmannia. (Click for more)