NJ Stands up for LGBT Equlity. It's time for America to Follow

Tell Congress: It's Time to Repeal the Rest of DOMA New Jersey made history today by becoming the latest state to legalize same-sex marriage. Kudos to the Garden State! Now it's time for America to follow. Tell Congress to repeal the rest of DOMA. The Supreme Court ruled section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional. But the rest of DOMA is still on the books. It's time -- past time -- for that to change. Tell Congress to repeal the rest of DOMA --> Click here to take action --> Click here to share this on Facebook --> Click here to share this on Twitter Tell Congress: Being Gay Shouldn't Get You Fired Did you know that in a majority of states, it's still legal to be fired for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender? Take action, and tell Congress to end this injustice by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act --> Click here to take action --> Click here to share this on Facebook --> Click here to share this on Twitter Thanks for your support, and for fighting back! Sincerely, John Hlinko and the Left Action team http://LeftAction.com http://Facebook.com/LeftAction http://Twitter.com/LeftAction

Tell Boehner: Dump the Tea Party

Since he became speaker, John Boehner has tried and tried again to appease the Tea Party wing of his Republican caucus. He has let this small but loud contingent drive the House agenda, hoping that in return they would come to their senses for the most critical items. It hasn't worked. It has been a miserable failure. And now America is paying the price. Send Boehner a message: Tell him to dump the Tea Party, and work with reasonable Republicans and Democrats to find common ground solutions. Our government has shut down, and a debt ceiling fight looms, with the potential to do grave damage to our nation's economy. And yet, the Tea Party extremists are still obsessively focused on fruitless efforts to repeal Obamacare – with 40+ votes apparently not enough. Multiple reports indicate that a majority of total House members are ready right now to support a clean budget resolution to reopen the government. And yet, because Boehner still is letting himself be led by the most extreme ones, a contingent of as little as 30 Tea Partiers has veto power. Enough is enough. It's time to stop letting irrational extremists hold America hostage. Send Boehner a message: Tell him to dump the Tea Party, and work with reasonable Republicans and Democrats to find common ground solutions.

Tell Boehner: Don't Cut off Food Aid to Hungry American Kids

Through no fault of their own, nearly 1 in 5 American children live in households that struggle to put food on the table.1 For many of these kids, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is the sole safety net that keeps them from going to bed hungry. SNAP is the Federal government’s single most successful program for directly combating childhood hunger, with children accounting for nearly half of all SNAP recipients. But the House of Representatives has voted to slash SNAP, and cut off millions of kids entirely. As the process continues to move forward, it is critical that members of Congress know that cuts of this magnitude are unacceptable and cannot become law. If this bill is enacted, it will be the biggest cut to SNAP in the program's history. To make matters worse, this legislation comes just months before every single SNAP household will already see a cut in their monthly benefits of about $36/month for a family of four – a loss of more than 20 meals per month. It makes no sense to gut funding for a program that has been so successful. And with so many other ways to cut government spending, it makes no sense to cut off food aid to millions of American children who are hungry through no fault of their own. Send Speaker Boehner a message. Tell him you oppose cutting off food aid to hungry American kids. 1. Source: US Department of Agriculture

Tell Boehner: Don't Cut off Food Aid to Hungry American Kids

Through no fault of their own, nearly 1 in 5 American children live in households that struggle to put food on the table.1 For many of these kids, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is the sole safety net that keeps them from going to bed hungry. SNAP is the Federal government’s single most successful program for directly combating childhood hunger, with children accounting for nearly half of all SNAP recipients. But the House of Representatives is about to slash SNAP, and cut off millions of kids entirely. Make no mistake, this bill will mean more hungry kids. It is the biggest attack on SNAP in the program's history. To make matters worse, this legislation comes just months before every single SNAP household will already see a cut in their monthly benefits of about $36/month for a family of four – a loss of more than 20 meals per month. It makes no sense to gut funding for a program that has been so successful. And with so many other ways to cut government spending, it makes no sense to cut off food aid to millions of American children who are hungry through no fault of their own. Send Speaker Boehner a message. Tell him you oppose cutting off food aid to hungry American kids. 1. Source: US Department of Agriculture

Tell Boehner: Enough already with the damned 'Repeal Obamacare' votes

House Republicans have now voted over 40 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act, aka, "Obamacare." 40+ times. Even though repeal has no chance of passing the Senate, and certainly no chance of being signed by President Obama. There is real work to be done, and yet Boehner and the House Republicans have chosen to focus instead on appealing to their lunatic fringe through a series of "Groundhog Day" votes. Enough is enough. Tell Boehner: Enough already with the damned 'Repeal Obamacare' votes

Thank you, Wendy Davis

Thank Wendy Davis for Standing up for Women On Tuesday, something incredible happened on the floor of the Texas State Senate. State Senator Wendy Davis stood for 13 hours straight, speaking out against an abortion bill that would have dramatically restricted women's access to abortions in Texas and endangered women's health. This is exactly the reason we need more women like Wendy Davis in elected office – and it’s the reason why it matters so much that we never give up the fight to elect more pro-choice Democratic women. Join EMILY’s List and tell Wendy Davis: Thank you for your courage in standing up for women in Texas! We are standing behind you.

Fight Back Against the GOP War on Women

The House GOP just passed the most extreme national anti-choice bill we've seen in a decade. Not only is this legislation blatantly unconstitutional, it could erase decades of progress for women's rights. The bill restricts a woman's access to legal abortion after the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. More importantly, this legislation reflects a dangerous trend: a conservative, regularly all-male, majority in Congress doing everything in their power to restrict women's health options. The time to stand up for women is now. We can't afford to wait any longer and risk losing everything we've fought so hard to achieve. Help us send a message to these GOP extremists: Tell them their anti-choice tactics are dangerous for women, and that you're standing with EMILY's List to help them elect more pro-choice, progressive women to Congress. Take action!

Hey GOP: "Repeal your own health care first, hypocrites!"

Tell the Republicans: "Repeal your own government-subsidized heath care first, hypocrites!" They're still at it. House Republicans have now voted to repeal health care reform nearly 40 times. They've spent four years ranting and raving about "government health care" and how awful it is. Except, apparently, when it comes to themselves. And their own government-subsidized health care -- for life, after just a few years of service. Send the Republicans a message. Tell them "Repeal your own government-subsidized heath care first, hypocrites!"

Make Gun Nuts in Congress Pay a Price in 2014 at the ballot box

If members of the Congress refuse to change the laws to reduce gun violence, then we need to change the members of Congress. That's why Gabby and Mark are asking you to join them in supporting candidates who back commonsense gun violence legislation, and withholding your support from those who don't. Sign your name, send a message to Congress, and pledge to vote against gun violence in 2014