Tell Cantor: "Don't hold emergency aid hostage"

Eric Cantor - have you no shame at all? No sense of decency? No awareness of what is right? Throughout our nation's history, a simple rule has applied when it comes to natural disasters: help your fellow Americans, and do what is needed to help them get back on their feet. Thus, it's frankly appalling that Representative Eric Cantor is threatening to hold disaster relief funds hostage to his partisan pettiness. He is demanding immediate cuts to offset spending, even though it is spending necessitated by a natural disaster of historic proportions -- a hurricane hit his very own district: "Despite the devastation caused by Hurricane Irene this weekend, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) today stood by his call that no more money be allocated for disaster relief unless it is offset by spending cuts elsewhere. The Washington Post reported this morning that FEMA will need more money than it currently has to deal with the storm’s aftermath and is already diverting funds from other recent disasters to deal with the hurricane, but Cantor's comments suggest Republicans won’t authorize more funds without a fight." (Click here for more)

Tell Rick Perry to Stop Lying about Global Warming

Tell Rick Perry to stop lying about global warming and climate change. Again and again, Rick Perry has spouted utter nonsense about global warming. In his new book, he says that the science behind it is, "...all one contrived phony mess that is falling apart under its own weight." On the campaign trail, he recently said that, "a substantial number of scientists [have] manipulated data to keep the money rolling in" and that "Scientists are 'coming forward daily' to disavow a 'theory that remains unproven.'" Click here for more...

Support President Obama, and Tell Congress that the Wealthy Need to Share in the Deficit Sacrifice too!

Tell Congress: I support President Obama's call for shared sacrifice on the deficit. The wealthy need to pay their fair share. America stands on the brink of a catastrophic and unprecedented default. And yet, a contingent of Republicans in Congress has been holding up a deal on the debt ceiling, and threatening to push America and our economy right over that cliff. Why? Because they are refusing to make reasonable compromises, and instead are insisting that the wealthy and corporations make no sacrifice whatsoever to fight the deficit. This contingent is even going so far as to demand keeping tax loopholes for corporate jets at the same time they are advocating slashing Medicare. This is absurd, and in an address to the nation, President Obama called on Americans to contact Congress and demand a reasonable compromise (scroll down for video): "The American people may have voted for divided government, but they didn't vote for a dysfunctional government," Obama said. Obama called on voters who support a more "balanced approach" to make their voices heard by writing or calling their member of Congress. "If you believe we can solve this problem through compromise, send that message," he urged. (source) Send a message to Congress, support President Obama, and tell your elected officials to do the right thing. Tell them that the wealthy need to pay their fair share as well. Do it now, spread the word, and make this message as powerful and loud as possible. (Click here for more, and to send a message)

Speaker Boehner: Stop Wasting Money Defending DOMA!

At the same time that Speaker Boehner is preaching about the need to cut spending, he and the House Republican leadership still plan to spend hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars defending the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The majority of Americans find it shameful to continue this discrimination, and there is no justification for Speaker Boehner to spend money – the people's money – to fight back against basic fairness. Send a message to Speaker Boehner, tell him to practice what he preaches, and to stop wasting money defending DOMA. (Click for more)

Tell BP: Pay what you promised!

Remember the $20 billion BP promised to pay, after its oil spill wrought havoc with the Gulf? The big oil company is now trying to weasel its way out of it -- after paying less than 25% of it. Don't let them do it! Send a message to BP: "Pay what you promised!" Click here to learn more and take action

Left Action launches "Send John Boehner a Pair of Balls" campaign

John Boehner and the Republican leadership is apparently more scared of their own crazy base than of allowing the United States of America to default on its debt. Please send a message to Speaker Boehner, asking him to "man up" and do the right thing. For each signature, we will send a pair of balls to the Speaker. Juvenile? You bet. But since logic and sound arguments are apparently lost on the "cult of stupidity" that the Republican Party has become -- it's time to try giving "juvenile" a shot. Click here to learn more.