President Obama is right about the GOP's Paul Ryan budget. Click here to send a message that you stand with President Obama against the radical Republcan budget.
Here's what the President said (click here for video):
"This Congressional Republican budget is something different altogether. It is a Trojan Horse. Disguised as deficit reduction plans, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly veiled social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who's willing to work for it...
By gutting the very things we need to grow an economy that's built to last. Education and training. Research and development. Our infrastructure. It is a prescription for decline...
This is now the party's governing platform. This is what they're running on. One of my potential opponents, Governor Romney, has said that he hoped a similar version of this plan from last year would be introduced as a bill on day one of his presidency. He said that he's very supportive of this new budget. And he even called it 'marvelous,' which is a word you don't often hear when it comes to describing a budget. It's a word you don't often hear generally..."
The President is right.
Send a message today, stand with President Obama against the radical Republican budget, and tell your friends to do the same.