John Boehner recently promoted the latest Obamacare horror story about a New York father who was allegedly told that his 18-month-old daughter couldn't be included on the family's plan.
Well guess what, the story AND Boehner's claim are 100% false.
MSNBC did some digging on what ACTUALLY happened:
"On Sunday morning, the New York Post published the story of Cornelius Kelly, who was dismayed to learn that the New York State health insurance plans could cover his wife and three older children, but that he would have to buy a separate plan for his 18-month-old daughter.
Fox News ran with the story on Monday morning, and had Kelly on to retell the tale. Within hours, the story had spread.
At this point, Speaker Boehner picked up the story and promoted it on his site and on Twitter, spreading the false claim that Obamacare won’t cover children under 2 years of age. It turns out that the New York father, who is a failed conservative candidate for the state legislature, forgot to list one of his children on his plan and the error has already been resolved."
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