
Tell the GOP: Investigate REPUBLICAN Voter Fraud!

Tell the GOP: Investigate REPUBLICAN Voter Fraud For years, Republican leaders have been feigning outrage over non-existent voter fraud, using it as a drummed up excuse to push voter ID laws that could disenfranchise millions. Well, turns out there IS fraud... from REPUBLICANS. And the reaction from the GOP? Crickets: In the wake of revelations that Strategic Allied Consulting, a controversial voter registration firm that has worked for the Republican National Committee, the Florida Republican Party, and the Romney campaign, is under investigation for turning in fraudulent voter registration forms in Florida, a Florida Congressman is calling for a bipartisan probe. Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) wrote Monday in a letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R): "In light of the large and apparently growing voter fraud scandal engulfing the Republican Party of Florida, I urge you to immediately appoint a bipartisan task force to investigate the accusations and ensure that the integrity of our voting rolls will not be compromised by Strategic Allied Consulting’s deliberately fraudulent voter registration operations. I also urge you to ensure that that false registrations submitted by Strategic Allied Consulting do not remain on our rolls, and that you immediately investigative whether any employees involved in this scandal are still working for the Republican Party to register voters in Florida." Deutch observes that Scott's silence and inaction on the scandal, to date, are "shocking and hypocritical" in light of Scott's Ahab-like attempts to purge suspected non-citizen voters from the state’s voting rolls. (Source) Send the GOP a message, and tell them to investigate REAL voter fraud -- the fraud waged by Republicans.

Bye Bye Boehner: Take Back the House

For two years, John Boehner and his Tea Party Congress have blocked nearly every single item President Obama has proposed, all while pushing an extreme right-wing agenda. Tax cuts for millionaires. A war on women. Holding up the recovery for political purposes. Need we go on? If this makes you angry, then it's time to do something about it. It's time to tell John Boehner "you're fired." It's time to take back the House. Sign up, send a message to Boehner, and tell him you're going to do what you can to return the House to Democratic control, and put him out of a job. We can do it. A new PPP poll shows that Americans prefer Democrats be elected to Congress over Republicans by a 48% to 44% margin. And momentum is moving our way. Make this happen. Send a message today, pledge to help take back the House, and we will keep you updated on exactly what you can do to make it happen.

What's Mitt hiding? 1,000+ weigh in...

What is Mitt Romney hiding in his tax returns? What's your guess? A secret side career as porn star "Mitt Ramney"? He's actually poor, and has just been feeding pigeons in the park the last 20 years? $77K tax breaks for dancing hamsters? Join nearly 1,000 others, and leave your best guest at the Left Action Facebook page.

Do Republican leaders have the guts to condemn Rush?

"I think it can now be said, without equivocation -- without equivocation -- that this man hates this country. He is trying -- Barack Obama is trying -- to dismantle, brick by brick, the American dream. There's no other way to put this." -- Rush Limbaugh, July 16, 2012 How many hate-filled tirades does Rush Limbaugh have to launch before Republican leaders finally have the guts to condemn him? For years, Rush Limbaugh has been spewing his hate-filled rhetoric on the airwaves. And for just as many years, Republican leaders have cowered from him, afraid to condemn his statements. Enough is enough. Send a message now, and demand that Mitt Romney and other Republican leaders finally have the guts to denounce Rush Limbaugh's outrageous comments.

Austerity during a recession is about as logical as putting a malnourished patient on a starvation diet

Austerity during a recession is about as logical as putting a malnourished patient on a starvation diet. Line up all the Nobel Prize winning economists, ask them if a recession demands austerity or stimulus, and… I’ll bet 80%+ will say stimulus. The problem in a recession isn’t a lack of discipline, it’s a lack of demand. Put simply, people are spending less money on… stuff. So companies cut back production of stuff. And workers who make the stuff start to lose their jobs. (Click here to read full post)

Left Action offers Donald Trump free tests to determine if he's stupid or a liar

Is he just a liar or genuinely stupid? We'll pay for the tests to find out! Again, and again, and again, it has been proven that Barack Obama was born in America. And yet, Donald Trump continues to spout off birther nonsense about how this is in doubt: "He said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia… Now they're saying it was a mistake. Just like his Kenyan grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and she pointed down the road to the hospital, and after people started screaming at her she said, 'Oh, I mean Hawaii.'" (source) Given that the evidence is so clear, one can only conclude that Trump is knowingly lying about what he's saying, or he's simply... incredibly stupid. Which is it? America needs to know. And Left Action is here to help. We are offering to pay for both a lie-detector test and an IQ test for Mr. Trump. Once and for all, we will all know whether he's a liar or simply stupid (though we wouldn't rule out both). Does he have the guts to take them, and prove once and for all whether he actually believes this birther nonsense? Send him a message, tell him to take the tests, and let's find out.

Stand with President Obama against the radical GOP budget

President Obama is right about the GOP's Paul Ryan budget. Click here to send a message that you stand with President Obama against the radical Republcan budget. Here's what the President said (click here for video): "This Congressional Republican budget is something different altogether. It is a Trojan Horse. Disguised as deficit reduction plans, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It is thinly veiled social Darwinism. It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who's willing to work for it... By gutting the very things we need to grow an economy that's built to last. Education and training. Research and development. Our infrastructure. It is a prescription for decline... This is now the party's governing platform. This is what they're running on. One of my potential opponents, Governor Romney, has said that he hoped a similar version of this plan from last year would be introduced as a bill on day one of his presidency. He said that he's very supportive of this new budget. And he even called it 'marvelous,' which is a word you don't often hear when it comes to describing a budget. It's a word you don't often hear generally..." The President is right. Send a message today, stand with President Obama against the radical Republican budget, and tell your friends to do the same.

Don't Let Pennsylvania Violate Women!

Don't let Pennsylvania violate women! Write Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett today, and demand that he promise to veto any legislation that requires a transvaginal ultrasound without a woman's consent. Just days after a similar bill in Virginia was altered in the face of a national outcry, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is poised to vote on a bill that would require women in Pennsylvania to undergo an invasive procedure known as a transvaginal ultrasound as a part of "informed consent" before having an abortion. At their own expense. Under the Pennsylvania criminal code, this procedure could be classified as a sexual offense. Penetration "by forcible compulsion" with a foreign object is illegal in the state -- and there is no medically required purpose for the transvaginal ultrasound. This is especially horrible because this procedure required under the bill will be implemented without the woman's consent. Fierce opposition is what helped defeat this in Virginia, and fierce opposition is what is needed here. Write Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett today, and demand that he promise to veto this terrible bill. Click for more, and to send a message

Left Action: $1 to Obama for each 10 new Facebook fans

I read yesterday that Bill Maher is giving $1 million to a pro-Obama super PAC. And well, that inspired me. So for every ten new Facebook fans for Left Action between now and March 1st, I'll give $1 to that same super PAC. (Priorities USA Action) Click here to go to the Left Action page, and click "like" once you get there to become a fan. Right now, we've got 594,615 fans for the Left Action page. That's the starting point, and for every 10 new fans beyond that on March 1st, I'll donate $1. Why? Well, because I really, really, really don't want to see a President Romney or Santorum or Gingrich take office in January. And you better believe that the super PACs on their side will be putting un-effin-believable amounts of money into election. We need to do our part. So while I can't donate $1 million like Maher, I can do something. Why the Left Action connection? Well, the more fans we have, the more actions we can push, so it basically doubles the impact. But mostly, I want to make this effort as public as possible -- as a challenge to others to do the same. Maher has a national TV audience to announce his donation (and spur an "echo" effect), and hey... I've got my Facebook page. :) If anyone out there wants to match my donation as part of this "fan-raiser," let me know, and I'll add to the total. Or if you're going to do your own effort, go ahead and post it here in the comments or on the Left Action FB page. Let a thousand money-bomb flowers bloom. Now, don't view this as a defense of super PACs. I'd love to see them abolished, and would love to see a whole host of campaign finance reform, but... that I'll leave that for another diary. But suffice to say, for now, super PACs will be a factor in this election. A huge factor. If we unilaterally disarm, and if we do not support ones working on behalf of Democratic candidates, we will lose the White House and the Senate, and have no chance of taking back the House. I don't want that to happen. (Click for rest of story)

Access to birth control under attack in Congress

In the face of immense public pressure from anti-woman extremists like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, President Obama listened to women's rights advocates and made an historic advancement for women's health with new regulations that require insurance coverage for birth control with no co-pays for women. However, the radical anti-contraception advocates are now turning to Congress in an attempt to restrict women's access to this vitally important health care. Tell your representatives in Congress: Don't vote for any bill that includes an anti-birth control amendment or provision.

Tell the board of Susan G. Komen: Don't throw Planned Parenthood under the bus!

Please support this urgent new action from our friends at CREDO. Susan G. Komen, the nation's largest charity to fight breast cancer, yesterday bowed to right-wing pressure, and abruptly cancelled funding for Planned Parenthood's breast cancer screening program. This program serves millions of women, providing free or low-cost breast cancer screenings. Komen does a lot of great things, but what it did yesterday was just plain awful and cowardly. Write Komen's board today, and tell them to do the right thing, and restore funding for Planned Parenthood. Don't be silent on this one. The right-wing has declared war on Planned Parenthood, and unless we fight back, they are going to win. names "Share, Retweet, Repeat" named # 1 "hot new release" in web marketing category

Share, Retweet, Repeat: Get Your Message Read and Spread, the new book by Left Action founder John Hlinko, was named by as the # 1 "hot new release" for the web marketing category. The book, which draws heavily upon examples from Left Action itself, offers a guide for social and business entrepreneurs who want to use viral marketing to rapidly build buzz and support for a cause, candidate, or other effort. "To say I'm blown away by this would be an understatement," said Hlinko. "The fact that a book promoted by grassroots marketing could reach # 1 is amazing, and I'm incredibly thankful to all the Left Activists who supported this effort, bought the book, and spread the word to others." For more on the book, see

BREAKING: Republican Trolls STILL Can't Spell!

This just in -- Republican trolls have been showing up at the Left Action Facebook page, making hilariously feeble attempts to "debate" us. With grammar, spelling, and logic almost at the 3-year-old level, they've come up with some real classics: Calling us "loosers" Misspelling "socialist" at least three different ways USING ALL CAPS FOR ENTIRE POSTS. BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS IF YOU YELL, IT MAKES YOUR ARGUMENT STRONGER. Hats off to you, Republican trolls, for proving once again that your once proud party has devolved into a cult of stupidity!

Left Action Update: Church REVERSES Ban on Interracial Marriages

Update: Good news, the church has reversed the ban: Pastor Stacy Stepp told CNN affiliate WLEX on Sunday that the church voted unanimously to "accept all people regardless of race, creed, or color and to accept everyone into the fellowship of Christ." "I tried everything in my power to try to resolve the matter before it got to where it did," Stepp told WLEX. (source: CNN) Kudos to Pastor Stepp (and to clarify, Pastor step is the new pastor, and NOT the old one who initially pushed this ban) (see original action here)