Tell Boehner: "Stop Holding Up Disaster Aid for Hurricane Sandy Victims"

Tell Boehner: "Stop Holding Up Disaster Aid for Hurricane Sandy Victims" It's shocking and appalling. More than 2 months after Hurricane Sandy brought devastation and shattered the lives of millions of Americans, the House of Representatives still hasn’t approved disaster relief. The Senate moved quickly on a $60 billion dollar aid package, but John Boehner never held a vote in the House. And with a new Congress being sworn in, the Senate vote is wiped out, and work must start all over again. Boehner's callousness was so outrageous, that it's even been condemned by fellow Republicans: Rep. Peter King (R-NY) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and other House Republicans on Wednesday for adjourning the night before without taking up Hurricane Sandy relief legislation. "It's absolutely disgraceful," King said on CNN. "People in my party, they wonder why they're becoming a minority party. They're writing off New York, they're writing off New Jersey. Well, they've written me off, and they're gonna have a hard time getting my vote, I can tell you that." (source) Millions of Americans are waiting for help. It's time for Boehner to stop playing politics. Tell Boehner: "Stop Holding Up Disaster Aid for Hurricane Sandy Victims"