Tell Donald Trump: Drop Your Absurd Lawsuit against Bill Maher

(Note: For each message sent, Left Action will make a donation to help protect orangutans*) Sometimes it seems like Donald Trump really must stay up nights, figuring out ways to be an even bigger clown: Back in October, everyone's favorite businessman who needs to fire his hair stylist challenged Barack Obama to present his college transcripts and passport records in exchange for a $5 million donation to the charities of the president's choice. Needless to say, the POTUS never took Trump up on his offer. Trump's offer is what likely spurred Bill Maher's commentary on the Jay Leno Show last month, where he mused that he'd be "willing to offer $5 million to Donald Trump that he can donate to a charity of his choice — the Hair Club for Men, the Institute for Incorrigible Douchebaggery — whatever charity," if the Donald could prove that he wasn't the "spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan." (source) And now Trump is suing Maher for the $5 million. For real. Now, it's one thing for Trump to fire back an insult in kind, as one might expect. But it's quite another for him to file a lawsuit that sucks up court time and wastes taxpayer dollars. Send Trump a message, and tell him to drop his absurd lawsuit. Oh, and as a final note -- the "proof" that Trump presented is a short form birth certificate, showing "Fred Trump" as his father. But as birthers like Trump have taught us: 1) Only the long form birth certificate matters; 2) Even when that is presented, it's still not enough proof (at least, to stupid people). Update: Maher's response (click "refresh" if you don't see the video): * For every message sent, Left Action will donate 2 cents to Orangutan Foundation International, an organization supporting the protection of orangutans and the return of ex-captive orangutans to their natural habitat. This is no way implies an endorsement by OFI of this campaign or Mr. Trump's status as an orangutan hybrid, we merely think they are a great organization. And yes, it's okay to send multiple messages if you want.