Oklahoma has been devastated by a major tornado, and it's up to all of us to help. Sadly, however, some in Congress are already threatening to use Federal disaster aid as a political weapon. Led, astonishingly. by Oklahoma's own senator, Tom Coburn:
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) said just hours after a major tornado ravaged his state that he would use the federal relief funds as a cudgel to force Democrats into accepting more spending cuts to programs like Social Security and Medicare... CQ's public-facing side reported on the comments later that night, saying Coburn will "absolutely" demand spending cuts to offset his state's need for federal aid after Monday's devastating tornadoes. (source)
This is not the time for partisan games. This is not the time to score political points.
This is the time for all Americans to come together, and help the people of Oklahoma.
Tell Tom Coburn and Congress: Don't Hold Oklahoma Emergency Aid Hostage
(Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Kendall James)