Tell Boehner: Don't Cut off Food Aid to Hungry American Kids

Through no fault of their own, nearly 1 in 5 American children live in households that struggle to put food on the table.1 For many of these kids, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is the sole safety net that keeps them from going to bed hungry. SNAP is the Federal government’s single most successful program for directly combating childhood hunger, with children accounting for nearly half of all SNAP recipients. But the House of Representatives has voted to slash SNAP, and cut off millions of kids entirely. As the process continues to move forward, it is critical that members of Congress know that cuts of this magnitude are unacceptable and cannot become law. If this bill is enacted, it will be the biggest cut to SNAP in the program's history. To make matters worse, this legislation comes just months before every single SNAP household will already see a cut in their monthly benefits of about $36/month for a family of four – a loss of more than 20 meals per month. It makes no sense to gut funding for a program that has been so successful. And with so many other ways to cut government spending, it makes no sense to cut off food aid to millions of American children who are hungry through no fault of their own. Send Speaker Boehner a message. Tell him you oppose cutting off food aid to hungry American kids. 1. Source: US Department of Agriculture